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Pack a shoebox for Operation Christmas Child!   Your box may be the only gift that child will receive, and it is also an opportunity for them to learn about Jesus.  Pick up your box (or boxes!) across from Centerpoint.  Labels and packing suggestions are inside each box.  For more information and packing suggestions, check out the Operation Christmas Child website:


Don’t want to shop?  You can build a shoebox online at the following link:


Shoeboxes need to be returned to EFree November 18 -24.  Thank you for your support of this ministry and kids all around the world!

(309) 647-4278

1300 E. Chestnut St.

Canton, IL 61520


Office Hours:

Mon - Thu: 9am - 4pm

Friday: Closed​​

Saturday: Closed

​Sunday: Closed

©2023 by Evangelical Free Church of Canton. Proudly created with

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