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Current & Upcoming Classes

New Classes Happening Now!

"Theology 101"

Teacher: Matt Spangler
Location: Sanctuary
Time: Sundays 9-10 a.m.

"Biblical Parenting"
Teacher: Adam & Jill Hanes
Location: Room 104
Time: Sundays 9-10 a.m.

"Isaiah" (Women's Class
Teacher: Donna Eddy
Location: Room 105
Time: Sundays 9-10 a.m.

Navigators 2:7 Book 3
Teacher: Jim Keefavuer
Location: Prayer Room
Time: Sundays 9-10 a.m.
(more info in video below)

What about classes for my kids? 

We are passionate about seeing opportuniities for all ages to experience the depth and transformative power of God's word. We offer classes for all ages during our Sunday school hour. For more info, click the button below to go to our Children's ministry page. 

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